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Chiese campestri


The village of Luras - derived from the Latin name Laurus, laurel - was frequented in Roman times and during the Middle Ages had joined around the ancient parish of St. James, then afterward the "new" one dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary.
In medieval times was part of the Gemini's curatoria of the Kingdom of Gallura until 1288, when it passed to the administration of the Municipality of Pisa.
In 1324 it was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia, although its conquest by Raymond de Cardona came only in 1330, when it was granted in feud to William Pujalt. In 1347 the feud passed to John of Arborea, who having been imprisoned a year later by his brother Mariano IV, passed it to his wife Sybil of Montcada.
During the second war between the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Kingdom of Arborea the center was occupied by this last in 1365 until 1420, when he returned to the Kingdom of Sardinia.
Recognized as an inheritance to the Carròs was joined to the great feud of Fundimonte and due to marriage between Beatrice Carròs with Peter Maza de Licana, passed to him in 1479. After a family dispute passed to the Portugals in 1571 and 1630 - following the marriage between the last heir Joan and Rodrigo de Silva, Prince of Melito - the feud was united to that of Orani, the situation remained unchanged until 1843.

Connected files

Scarica il file in PdF32. Transfert from Aggius to Luras, 24.11.1745
Scarica il file in PdF33. Administration of confirmation, 25.11.1745
Scarica il file in PdF73. Visit of the churches of S. Joseph and S. James A., 11.06.1752
Scarica il file in PdF87. Transfert from Aggius to Luras, 18.06.1756
Scarica il file in PdF88. Entry in the parish and administration of confirmations, 21.06.1756
Scarica il file in PdF132. Transfert from Calangianus to Luras, 30.05.1763
Scarica il file in PdF135. Administration of confirmation, 02.06.1763
Scarica il file in PdF138. Administration of Communion, 03.06.1763
Scarica il file in PdF140. Edict with various provisions for the faithful of Luras, 04.06.1763

Virgin of Rosary
St. Cross
St. Joseph
St. James


Progetto cofinanziato dalla L.R. 15/10/1997 n. 26 art. 13 lettera D) anno 2010 e anno 2011
© Luigi Agus 2012